Welcome to Divine Rebel Soul
I'm here to free yourself, from all your illusions and fear.
About Us
Who are we?
Got the name during meditative state~ All of us are divine beings~ I’m here to assist all beings to reconnect our divine nature~ break the norm and all the matrix illusions in order to bring back the ultimate joy and peace~
Empath, shamanic light worker. Experienced the darkness place. Keep on transforming and rising from her own ashes.
Into metaphysics and humanity since she was a kid. Started her soul searching journey from adolescent by meditation, follow her path by lucid dreams.
In 2013, finally met her very important guru. Lineage from Kagyu Nyingma‘s Mahasiddha, Khan Rinchen Dhondup Rinpoche, gave her dharma name – མ་རིག་པ “Avidyā” and received oral transmission of “Diamond Sutra” and various mantras. Heart to heart transmission of Chöd, Bodhicitta, mādhyamaka, Śūnyatā (emptiness) and other different vajrayana practice.
Received proper Usui Reiki training and received different attunements from different masters.
Broken into thousands pieces for hundred times and keep on rebirth, rebirth and rebirth. Known for strong healing power and psychic power but still low key and humble.

What we offer?
Interactive Sessions
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Love from Soul Tribes
My family and I want to thank Divine Rebel Soul for her incredible work. Before She performed a Space Clearing treatment, out of her pure heart, she offered to treat a member of my family for free. After the space clearing treatment, some of us could feel the difference, the area feels brighter, lighter, and somehow, happier. What I really appreciate from DRS is the detailed instructions she gives before the treatment takes place and the follow up giving suggestions and ideas that will help spiritually. You can tell and feel she does really care. She is indeed Divine, we are very grateful.
You are super strong! I could hear your energy before it began. I could see lights too. I could feel you working on my lower chakras. Which needed it. This was amazing. I’m am so grateful for you. Next day after the session, I feel great! You are super strong! I was in a daze most of the day 🤣. Amazing how Reiki can travel. I’m hearing reiki now just typing to you. I’m feeling fantastic. You really cleared out things! I am eternally grateful ❤️❤️❤️. Your gifts are very different and more on point than mine. I love it!!!! You really rocked my world for sure! Thank you so much for the healing , you are amazing. I’m telling my friends about you. I highly recommend you to everyone! I will be passing along your information! ❤️🙏🙌❤️
Meeting Carmen was like a long overdue breath of fresh air! She is genuine, caring, knowledgeable and humble, and so very wise beyond her words. I have worked with her both as part of a group and individually and her intuition never ceases to amaze me. Her ability to connect to every aspect of my being; physical, mental and spiritual, past, present and future, is exceptional and I can say with all honesty, I would not want to be on the journey I am with anyone else to guide me. Thank you Carmen for everything, but mostly thank you for just being you.
I am very happy to know that this Energy Healing Workshop is taking place. I know Carmen for a very long time. She is a very good Dharma practitioner and is highly skilled in using different kinds of energy healing methods. I witnessed that many people have been benefited by her skills and wisdom. So I am sure that this Workshop will be very constructive to all the attendants.
Dearest Carmen, All my heartfelt thanks of your warm caring heart to me and my family ! Your energy heal both our mind , heart and health when we are in such a tragic moments all through the hard time. We all feel so blessed of having your energy cleansing not only our body but also my home and office! How wonderful of getting things into the positive and have our energy back . We like to let you know your healing is not just simple but this give us our healing hands to spread to people we may help. Your heartily healing also has the power of helping others through us as well! May we give our grateful heart to you and wish you all the best always!
Carmen has been coaching and mentoring me for over the past 12 months. Besides her vast experience in recognizing shadow work and healing such, she is also extremely compassionate and patient. She has the heart, the patience, as well as the insight to bring any broken ones into light (as I observe within myself and my surroundings including friends and colleagues). However, she is direct and honest and is never the type of "healers" or "mentors" who will please you with words or sugar coat your delusion to keep you. Having that said, she will also back up your disappointment with real actions to turn the situation around.
Although we have not met in person, I am so surprised and amazed that I can highly sense the energy from Carmen in such a long distance which we both are in different places! I also appreciated that Carmen really takes good care of me and always guide me to keep on track during the abundantia energy session. Thank you for the patience and guidance! I feel so grateful to receive your energy and healing!
I’m writing to express my deeply thanks to Carmen, behalf of my family and myself. Carmen helping us to overcome both mental and physical challenge, from our pass experience and also daily life issues. We experienced her strong healing and cleansing power which I truly believe is given by the nature in different kind of way. Carmen humble and caring conversation always enlighten my thought. Her kindly action brings me and my family peaceful and joy. We do treasure and love every moment that we spend together 🙏🏻
I am writing to recommend Carmen to anybody who may need any kind of therapies to restore a peaceful mind. She is a highly skilled Dharma practitioner and has helped me to bring back calm and peace on my mind. I have benefited considerably by attending her class.
Muchas gracias Carmen por todo lo q ha hecho x mi familia , realmente cada día hemos sentido con mis hijos y esposa que hay nuevas energías que nos han ayudado durante todo este tiempo a seguir adelante con nuevas fuerzas y sintiéndonos bendecidos por tenerla con nosotros
(Translated: Thank you very much Carmen for everything you have done for my family, really every day we have felt with my children and wife that there are new energies that have helped us during all this time to move forward with new strength and feeling blessed to have you with us.)
Naturaleza bellísima, CREACIÓN, Gracia Divina, Crecimiento del Cuerpo-Templo. Y todo lo que este en Armonía. Su Servidor y Aprendiz. GRACIAS GRACIAS GRACIAS.
(Translated: Beautiful Nature, CREATION, Divine Grace, Growth of the Body-Temple. And all that is in Harmony. Your Service and Apprentice. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.)
Thank you for helping me and my family, your help is so much needed right now. Thank you from heart.
Hola Carmen yo tambien doy las gracias por ayudarnos cuando estuvimos con covid
(Translated: Hi Carmen I also thank you for helping us when we were with covid)
Muchas gracias por ayudarnos Carmen 🥰❤️ por ayudar a mi familia con Lo del covid 🙂
(Translated: Thank you very much for helping us Carmen ❤️ for helping my family with the covid thing 🙂)
Carmen! muchas gracias por la ayuda que siempre da a toda nuestra familia! Reciba un fuerte abrazo de mi parte 🥰
(Translated: Carmen! Thank you very much for the help you always give to our whole family! Receive a big hug from me 🥰)
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Step 1
Once you order the attunement, you will receive a confirmation email.
Step 2
Divine Rebel Soul will send you an email within 48 hours for the attunement manual.
Step 3
Once you’re ready to accept attunement, please email to Divine Rebel Soul and we will let you know once the attunement is ready for you to receive.
Step 4
Once you receive the attunement, please let us know and we will send you the certificate with lineage.
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